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Amstelveen, June 23, 2023

Did LTO leader Sjaak van der Tak not only pull the plug on the Agricultural Agreement this week, but also put the entire polder model to the grave? The polder model has a long, often successful tradition in the Netherlands. The idea is that in the event of a joint major danger (rising water, overheated economy), the most important interest groups work together with the government to find solutions. But while this has worked for water management and the economy, it has not really worked out for climate and nature. The previous Nijpels Climate Tables were not a resounding success. We see many different interests at the table when it comes to climate, agriculture and nature, but apparently there is insufficient shared sense of urgency. The result is that they are not consultation tables, but negotiation tables. That gives a completely different dynamic and attitude of the participants, as we saw at LTO. It is still a battle of interests. This battle has now moved to the streets (farmer tractors, Extinction Rebellion) and to the courtroom (Urgenda, Milieudefensie). Things are on edge there and a hard battle is being fought.

Everything goes back to politics. Who sees big problems coming, but then postpones them via the polder tables. The government makes itself small and hopes that everything will work itself out. A coalition agreement that has been negotiated for almost a year melts away as soon as a few flags are hung upside down.

In short, as long as politicians themselves are not able to crack the hard nuts, the battle on the streets and in the courtroom will continue for a while. Apparently the climate and nature are not yet suitable for the classic polder; that's good to know.

Afterburner: we are waiting for a monster alliance between Extinction Rebellion and BBB Noord-Holland. After all, farmers are not the only major nitrogen emitters. Tata Steel and Schiphol may not even be surprised once that happens.

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