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The old motto 'people are looking for work' is now outdated. It is now 'work looking for people'. Whether in the process industry, healthcare, energy sector or education – everywhere the availability of sufficient, good personnel is the major bottleneck for the coming years. The concept of 'labor market communication' can be completely dusted off again. Companies and institutions have to work hard to entice people. Come join us!!


But what does that require? An interesting position and a good salary are the basics. But that alone no longer makes the difference. Trendy table tennis tables, hip hammocks and cool houseplants are no longer enough. Today's employee wants to hear the story of the organization: Why are you on earth? Why does it matter to come and work for you? What impact can I make as an employee if I join you?


Make it all clear – convincing and appealing, with words and images. Let your own employees tell that story too. That is always stronger. Using all communication channels that are useful and effective. Via socials, of course – but also consider live events. Why not a stand at Lowlands or at the Zwarte Cross? And don't just target young people in their twenties in your communication approach. You will also have to seduce people in their thirties, forties, fifties - and even people in their sixties. You'll need them all later.


Investing in labor market communication is a must for every organization that wants to be ready for the future. Our agency can help you create your own story and develop a recognizable social profile. We also support with creative PR to reach the desired target groups.


Are you curious whether we can realize something similar for your organization or project? We would be happy to discuss this with you.

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