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With the arrival of the new cabinet, a new reality has emerged. An extra-parliamentary cabinet with sharp ambitions that represent a clear change in government policy. The goals have shifted, measures will be drawn up in the coming months that will be innovative, surprising and sometimes shocking. Rules of conduct when acting in debates are also different, now that a new Prime Minister who cannot automatically count on the support of the coalition parties is being sharply challenged in public. It takes some getting used to.

Shifting power relations

This disruption in the political scene is not limited to the Netherlands: there have been internationally shifting power relations for several years, with the success of authoritarian leaders. However, the French elections show that the rise of a radical right-wing party is not always predictable and inevitable.


In any case, these developments mean that organizations must reorient themselves: what goals can they pursue in this political playing field in the coming years, what themes can they put forward themselves and what coalitions can they form. Different scenarios can be developed and new relationships established. The point is not to let developments get to you, but rather to become stronger. After all, changes, disorder or setbacks also mean that there are opportunities for adjustments, either in policy or in one's own organization.

The new ministers will work out the main agreement in the coming weeks. They can make good use of all the knowledge and expertise of companies, NGOs and governments. We hope that everyone will make good use of this coming period. And of course we are here to advise and support our clients.

We wish everyone a beautiful, active summer!

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