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After eight newsletters, the moment has finally arrived. As of yesterday, it is possible to cast a vote for the desired party. Although this newsletter will reflect on the events of the past week, the focus will mainly be on the coming period. This will contain some speculation, which is indicative of the period we are in

Final steps of the campaign

  • The recent period has been the theme of debates, which were often conducted at the cutting edge. There were regular clashes between parties and party leaders, which hampered the performance Youth news of the leading parties of the largest parties was a welcome break from the contradictions for some. The party leaders confirmed that they certainly like each other, even though they did not always agree with each other. That's a nice thought after an intense period.
  • In last night's debate One today things were tough between Lilianne Ploumen (PvdA) and Wopke Hoekstra (CDA). Ploumen called Hoekstra's proposals antisocial several times and Hoekstra harshly criticized the PvdA's plans for increasing taxes in the business community. The debate between Sigrid Kaag (D66) and Jesse Klaver (GroenLinks) was a lot calmer. Klaver asked for support for reversing the felling of hundreds of centuries-old trees near Amelisweerd and Kaag in turn attacked Klaver on GroenLinks' decision to drop out of the previous formation. There was little surprise in the debate between Geert Wilders (PVV) and Mark Rutte (VVD): Rutte asked Wilders to reconsider his statements about fewer Moroccans and Wilders tried to limit Rutte to the number of refugees admitted to the Netherlands.
  • Now that the campaigns are almost over, things are in full swing analyzed. Rutte tries to radiate energy and that works best against Wilders. Wilders portrays himself as a stable right-wing factor that wants to govern and is therefore increasingly present. Hoekstra's campaign is a bit more difficult and he mainly responds to previous statements such as the plans to shorten the unemployment benefit. Kaag insists on new leadership and presents himself as the alternative to Rutte.

Formation talk

  • The campaigning is almost over and in two days we can start thinking about the formation, something that, as always, is the subject of much discussion. It once again became clear in the debate in the South that none of the current political parties wants to talk to the PVV about a possible formation. Rutte is already anticipating the VVD's victory with a formation plan, which is being dismissed as a campaign trick by the rest of the parties. He wants the formation to be cut in half so that the National Recovery Plan can be discussed first, after which the rest of the points would be discussed.
  • In addition to the VVD, GroenLinks is also already concretely working on the formation. Jesse Klaver actively lobbied for a left-wing coalition with D66, PvdA and SP, and number two, Corinne Ellemeet, is working on a formation working group to prepare the party for the coming period. The other parties are also preparing.
  • It is noticeable that D66 has started a final sprint. While it was mentioned above that Kaag is trying to position himself as an alternative to the three right-wing parties, this strategy seems to be paying off. According to the latest poll by I&O Research, the party has surpassed the CDA. According to this poll, the Bandwagon effect has started. However, Maurice de Hond has a different opinion. It remains a guess.
  • Now that the formation is getting closer, it is becoming noticeable that some parties are extremely popular. For example, in the Pauw broadcast the Christian Union was clearly flirting with the SP, trying to persuade the SP to join the current coalition by saying that the party does not have to give up much and gains a lot.

Formation meeting

On Wednesday, March 24, Issuemakers is organizing a meeting with the Professional Association for Public Affairs (BVPA) and Logeion about the formation. If you are interested, you can register at the bottom of the letter. At this event, Fred Teeven, Arco Timmermans, Saskia Ter Kuile and Tim Masselink will speak about how a cabinet formation proceeds, which is interesting for communications and public affairs professionals.

Vote for a woman

In an earlier newsletter we already paid attention to the number of female party leaders. In this newsletter we would like to draw your attention to an initiative to get more women into the House of Representatives. The website Vote for a Woman has the mission to increase the currently low percentage of 31 percent of women in the House of Representatives to 50 percent. In this context, the focus at the bottom of the newsletter this time will be on prominent women who have a chance of entering the House of Representatives. Hopefully you will help us support this initiative.


Polls: what are the latest updates?

Figure 1

In the orange bar you can see the latest polls (March 15, 2021). The blue bar shows the current distribution of seats in the House of Representatives. Compared to last week's polls, there are some small fluctuations. VVD has lost a number of seats compared to last week, and D66 has gained a number of seats. In addition, the other parties in the poll now have 8 seats together: Ja21 has 2, Volt has 4, and BIJ1 and BBB both have 1.
Source: I&O Research


As mentioned, this week an extended version, with attention to women who have a chance of entering the House of Representatives. The choice is based on the I&O polls yesterday (March 15). Women who are on the electoral list but, according to polls, fall just short of a place in the House, can still get into the House of Representatives through preferential votes. Below you will find the woman per party you could vote for to get her into Parliament. On to an equal number of men and women in the House of Representatives!

Kelly Regterschot (#36 VVD candidate list) 
Born: February 22, 1975, Heerlen
residence: Landgraaf
Course: Spatial planning and planning, Utrecht University of Technology, Economic Geography (Social Geography), Utrecht University, Post-HBO Dutch course for real estate management, Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Functions: Director IBA (Internationale Bauaustellung) Parkstad (2017-2019)
Quartermaster 'Filmhuis De Spiegel' in Heerlen (2019-2019)
Member of the House of Representatives of the States General (2019 – present)

Nicole Moinet (#23 PVV candidate list) 
residence: Purmerend
Functions: Municipal councilor PVV Purmerend (2018 – present)

Jorien Wuite (#20 Candidate List D66) 
Born: December 6, 1964, The Hague
residence: St Martin
Course: Management Consultancy, Sioo, Public Management, Open University, Public Health, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Functions: Secretary General Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Affairs of Sint Maarten (2020-2020)
Strategic advisor to the government of Sint Maarten (2020-present)

Wytske Postma (#19 CDA Candidate List) 
Born: April 16, 1977, Hoorn
residence: The Hague
Course: International Business
Functions: Owner/senior advisor De Lobby, training and advice (2018-2019)
Associate partner/senior advisor Hofstaat Public Affairs (2019-2019)
Member of the House of Representatives of the States General (2019-present)

Kirsten van den Hul (#12 PvdA Candidate List) 
Born: August 18, 1976, Deventer
residence: The Hague
Course: Master East European Studies, UvA, Modern Standard Arabic, Université de Tunis El Manar
Functions: Columnist Algemeen Dagblad (2011-2015)
Columnist in the newspaper “Trouw” (2015-2016)
Member of the House of Representatives of the States General (2017-present)

Laura Vissenberg (#14 Candidate List GroenLinks) 
Born: 1984, Eindhoven
residence: Amsterdam
Course: History, University of Amsterdam, General Economics, University of Amsterdam
Functions: BoFEB Trainee Ministry of Economic Affairs (2010-2011)
Policy officer and political advisor GroenLinks (2012-2015)
Advisor to the Mayor of Amsterdam's Cabinet (2016-2020)

Sunita Biharie (#11 SP candidate list) 
Born: July 23, 1980, Rotterdam
residence: Apeldoorn
Course: Specialized support, SPW residential guidance level 4 youth care
Functions: House of Representatives Social Affairs Officer SP (2020-present)
SP board member (national) (2019-present)
Party chairman SP Apeldoorn (2018-present)
Pedagogical employee youth care (2014-present)

Dirjanne van Drongelen (#10 Candidate List CU) 
Born: 1986
residence: Ede
Course: BA Theology (Christian College Ede)
Functions: Sociotherepaeutic employee, mental health clinic, Salvation Army Gelderland (2012-2013)
Project coordinator, Network Serve your City (2017-present)
Municipal councilor of the Christian Union (2015-present)

Simone Kerseboom (#5 Candidate List Forum for Democracy) 
Born: 1984, Roosendaal
residence: Maastricht
Course: History, Stellenbosch University, PhD History, Rhodes University
Functions: Owner Novel Translations & Language Services (2018 – present)
Provincial Member of Parliament FvD Limburg (2019 – present)
Chairman of the Provincial Council Forum for Democracy Limburg (2019 – present)

Eva van Esch (#6 Candidate List PvdD) 
Born: May 12, 1986, Rossum
residence: Utrecht
Course: Journalism and Environmental Social Sciences, Radboud University
Functions: Communications officer and social media manager, Party for the Animals party office (2010 – 2019)
Member of Utrecht City Council (2014 – 2019)
Member of the House of Representatives of the States General (2019-present)

Natasha Mohammed-Husein (#4 Candidate List DENK) 
Born: 1976
Course: Rights
Functions: Hoesein law firm in Rotterdam (2006 – present)
Member of Rotterdam City Council (2018 – present)

Ellen Verkoelen (#3 Candidate List 50PLUS) 
Born: May 2, 1957, 's-Hertogenbosch
residence: Rotterdam
Course: Chemical technology
Functions: Member of Parliament in the province of South Holland (2011-2017)
Group leader Verkoelen (2017 – present)
faction leader 50PLUS Rotterdam (2018-present)

Maryam Soltani (#10 Candidate List JA21) 
Born: Iran
residence: Murder law
Course: HBO in the hospital
Functions: Pulmonary function specialist

Bibi Wielinga (#6 Candidate List Volt) 
Born: 2002
residence: Amsterdam
Course: completed VWO, study Interdisciplinary Sciences (current)
Functions: Candidate European elections Volt 2019

Rebekah Timmer (#3 Candidate List BIJ1) 
Born: 1999
residence: Hilversum
Functions: Councilor Hilversum SP (2018)
Board member BIJ1 (2019-present)

Femke Wiersma (#2 Candidate List BBB) 
residence: Holwerd
Course: Social work, NHL college
Functions: Communication/media VBBM (Association for the Preservation of Farmers & the Environment) (2016-2020)
Policy advisor Dutch Dairy Farmers Union (2017-present)
Board member BoerBurgerBeweging (2020-present)

  • March 16, 7:00 PM: NOS Netherlands chooses: The Vote with parties that are already represented in the Chamber, but are not among the largest 8
  • March 16, 8:30 PM NOS Netherlands chooses: The Debate with the eight largest parties
  • 17th of March: House of Representatives elections
  • March 17, 6:00 PM RTL The Results Evening (RTL 4)
  • 17th of March: NOS Netherlands Chooses: The Results (NPO1)
  • March 19: global climate strike day
  • March 19: Oh oh The Hague: the afterthought. What will the House of Representatives look like in the coming years and what does that mean for the Netherlands?
  • March 24: Meeting BVPA, Issuemakers & Logeion about the formation, with Fred Teeven, Arco Timmermans, Saskia Ter Kuile and Tim Masselink

At communications consultancy Issuemakers we advise and support organizations that have or want to make a social impact. We do this by monitoring, managing and creating social and political issues for them. Our advice, campaigns, lobbying processes and strategies incorporate various disciplines, such as: Public Relations, Public Affairs, Stakeholder Management, Reputation Management, Corporate Communication and Crisis Communication.

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