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We are Issuemakers: strategic communications advisors, with knowledge of the issues that arise
play in society and with an eye for social impact.

We advise and support organizations in clarifying and sharpening their needs
social ambitions and then convert these into positive impact for the organization
and in society.

Our Expertise


DDMA – Introduction Dutch influencer register | Press Approach and Issue Making

DDMA – Introduction Dutch influencer register | Press approach and issue making Influencer marketing has become a mature and fully-fledged channel in a short time...

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Mister Kitchen – Dairy freedom: Dream butter must stay!

Mister Kitchen – Dairy freedom: Dream butter must stay! What do you do if, as a small brand, you receive threatening letters…

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Municipality of Rijswijk | Communicating about Wellbeing

Municipality of Rijswijk | Communicating about Well-being The city of Rijswijk is a growing municipality with a village character and metropolitan challenges in…

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