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Zwarte Piet discussion: Talking about issue ownership and NTR


The annual ritual surrounding the arrival of Sinterklaas has started again. Although the steamer has not yet arrived in the Netherlands, the media has been full of it for over a month. You can set the clock by it. Both the supporters and opponents of Zwarte Piet are taking their positions. Everything that has ever been said or done by anyone in this area resurfaces.

Central to this discussion is NTR with its Sinterklaas Journaal. The broadcaster has owned the Zwarte Piet issue for years. Whether she wants it or not. This is because they are responsible for the national arrival, at least for the reporting in image and sound. NTR therefore plays an important role in setting the tone in the Netherlands. The choices the broadcaster makes are decisive. Every year we wait to see what the broadcaster's policy is in this regard. A solution is expected from them, especially now that politicians are keeping their distance. There is even talk of NTR's Pete directive, which a city that is being held for the national entry must adhere to. NTR is therefore the issue owner of the Black Pete discussion, whether they want it or not.

Due to the fact that NTR is the issue owner of the Black Pete discussion, the solution is also expected from them. This solution is complicated and difficult to provide, because it is an issue with so many sides and sensitivities that – whatever choice you make – you will face a group of opponents.

If NTR really does not want issue ownership, then they will have to draw their own conclusions from that. As long as they are responsible for the Sinterklaas news, everyone will always continue to look at the choices they make. And continue to use the arrival for their own objectives.

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