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Current events and an award go hand in hand

On Thursday, January 24, the tenth edition was held in a packed large hall in the Balie in Amsterdam Issue Award awarded. An initiative of our agency that has gradually proven its worth. This year there were three nominated issues: Tobacco addiction, Texting in traffic and Children's pardon who had a chance to win the Issue Award 2019.

In addition there was one oeuvre award for Arjen Lubach, which has now put so many issues on the map that we have lost count. In his speech of thanks, Arjen reminded us that we should cherish the fact that we live in a country where issues may and can be made. That is not a given in every country.

These are three issues that have played a major role in the public and political debate in recent months, and which have also led to concrete political actions. Because we are now working on one ban on texting while cycling and knows everyone the Mono campaign. And the lawsuits over tobacco addiction are still fresh in our minds.

The winner of the Issue Award 2019, Kinderpardon, was released last year by program maker Tim Hofman, with a special internet broadcast 'Back to your own country' cranked. In this documentary, Hofman followed a group of young people who were in danger of being deported. He has put the Children's Pardon issue on the map in such a way that politics and society can no longer ignore it.

In fact, the issue has only become worse in recent days because one of the government parties announced earlier this week announced to be in favor of a relaxation of the Children's Pardon. Together with another government party, they now believe that more asylum children and their parents should be eligible for a residence permit. And it didn't stop there. The political positions have now been taken, the tension in the coalition is rising. To buy time, the responsible minister has indicated that no children will be deported in the coming week. How much effect can you have?

Tobacco addiction, Texting in traffic and Children's pardon: three appealing examples of how you can have and make a social impact through issues. All three issues deserve to receive this prize. Unfortunately, a choice has to be made. All three fit in with previous winners.

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