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Highlights Issue Conference 2022

Last Thursday was our 12th Issue Conference. After two years of organizing an issue lecture - due to Corona - we were finally allowed to organize a conference again. This year with the theme: World Improvers. With five guests, it was a full program where the visitor could gain plenty of inspiration about how to be a world improver, and how to encourage others to become one too. Did you miss the conference? In this piece we would like to take you through the various highlights of all speakers! 

After an introduction by our own Mayke from Keep, in which she appealed that we should all be or become world improvers and that the business community in particular should not be left behind, Jannelieke Aalstein introduced the first speaker.  


'Be realistic, go for the impossible' 

Eva Rovers is a writer, cultural historian and co-founder of Bureau Burgerberaad. Eva conducts international research into citizen consultation, a method of decision-making in which a drawn cross-section of society participates in discussions and co-decisions on complex social issues - such as the energy transition. This spring her book 'Now it's up to us' was published by 'De Correspondent'. Call for real democracy', in which she advocates organizing national citizen councils in the Netherlands, in particular around climate policy. Countless examples from abroad show that residents are very capable of coming up with smart, feasible solutions for the biggest challenges of our time.

The core of Eva's story was about taking citizens seriously. According to her, the problem does not lie with citizens' trust in politics, but with politicians' trust in citizens. bdraw them in time and with attention. Encourage them to participate. They have very different interests than politicians and companies and therefore add real insights to decision-making. Citizens' councils are a great way to do this. It is important to set goals for yourself, using Eva's favorite saying as a guideline: 'Be realistic, go for the impossible'. And to have confidence in the citizen and to agree that you will actually work on their solutions. 


Resistance to improving the world  

Roos Vonk is a professor of psychology, speaker and author in the areas of leadership, motivation, power, emotions, self-knowledge and first impressions. She clearly explains why we sometimes find do-gooders so annoying. Why do we feel resistance to behavioral change on issues with a moral charge, such as climate or eating meat? Why do we know what is good, but we often do something else? And how do you, as an “activist on a mission” – despite criticism – stay the course and remain relentlessly focused on realizing ideals, even if the reactions are not always what you hoped or expected? 

During her lecture she discussed various answers to the above questions, with the core of her message being: As a do-gooder, do a little bit of your best to win the other person over. Don't be too pedantic, but above all connect. And build up movement in steps. No one goes from black to white in one go. 


Above all, don't be afraid

Jos Verhoeven has been general director of Start Foundation since its founding in 1998; an innovative, independent, social investor who does not shy away from controversy. Start Foundation was also one of the founders of the business network De Nooitste Zaak and developed a crisis loan for SME entrepreneurs who were not helped by the banks. Nowadays, the Start Foundation advocates, among other things, a so-called parallel labor market, Open Hiring and fights to make labor market legislation fairer and better. 

Jos discussed the different characteristics of a world improver: 

  • A do-gooder is not afraid of what other people think of him; 
  • A do-gooder focuses on his mission, has a clear goal in mind and does not allow himself to be talked out of it; 
  • Above all, a do-gooder is not afraid of failure and is not slowed down by ifs and buts; 
  • A world improver knows how to engage and convince people. Do this, for example, by using real examples, no generic figures. 


A company as a world improver? 

Arie Koornneef started his career in development cooperation after a marketing education. He then switched to the banking world and has been Director of ASN Bank since 2017; a bank that strives for sustainable progress.  

Arie discussed how companies can be world improvers. "The company as a do-gooder often evokes skeptical reactions," he said. When you ask whether a company can also be a world improver, Arie's answer is: Yes. 'A company can certainly initiate change, be a wave maker and drastically change the world.' It is important to focus on the social return, after which – as ASN has proven – the financial return will come naturally. 


Expose wrongdoing 

Eva González Pérez has been putting the abuses surrounding the benefits affair on the agenda for years. Her commitment to the victims of the affair earned her the Issue Award 2022 on. 

In a final interview with Sybrig van Keep, Eva said that she always felt strengthened by the people around her. And that it is important to have these people. Gather your support here in steps, and create more and more mass so that you start a wave that can no longer be stopped. In addition, it is important toto be transparent and to tell the honest story (also about what you cannot do and what you need others for). Don't be afraid to expose abuses and resist power.   

All in all, a very inspiring afternoon with a nice closing drink. Don't you want to miss the next Issue Conference? Stay informed by signing up for our newsletter (1 x every 6 weeks). Do you want to use your company as a world improver, but you don't know how? Take especially ">contact contact us and we will be happy to help you! 

Eva Rovers
Roos Vonk
Jos Verhoeven and Jannelieke Aalstein
Arie Koornneef
Eva González Pérez and Sybrig van Keep
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