Issue conference June 16, 2022
The annual event will take place on June 16th Issue conference place, where you can be physically present again this time!
Issue makers organizes the Issue Congress to provide insight and share inspiration on how organizations and companies can get a topic on the social and political agenda. During the Issue Conference, prominent experts will share their insights with you through appealing cases.
This year's theme is Do-gooders.
Three speakers you can expect at the Issue Conference are: Arie Koornneef (director of ASN Bank), Eva Rovers (art historian and author of the book Practivism) and Roos Vonk (professor of social psychology and author of the book You are what you do). Like some other speakers, they will address questions such as:
- What characterizes the world changer?
- What types of do-gooders are there?
- As a world improver, how do you not get stuck in ideals, but also take concrete steps?
- Why do do-gooders provoke resistance?
We would like to welcome you on Thursday, June 16 at the De Balie debate center in Amsterdam. Registration is from 12:30 PM, the conference starts at 1:00 PM and after the program (+/- 5:00 PM) you are very welcome to chat during drinks.
Due to limited space, we ask you to register by sending an email to .
We hope you have the 16the to receive!