The new political leaders of our country must first convince each other of the importance of fundamental rights at the start of the cabinet formation. That you are not allowed to discriminate, that there is freedom of religion, that everyone is equal in the Netherlands, etc. This is apparently necessary because the largest party in the Netherlands has enshrined in its principles that Islam is a reprehensible religion. That there should be 'fewer, fewer, fewer Moroccans' in our country. And that women with a headscarf should be taxed heavily for wearing it, 1000 euros was the proposal "to start with". A party that proclaimed during the last campaign during the SBS debate that our major cities consist of more and more 'immigrants' and that 'Dutch' have had enough of that. These immigrants are generally Dutch citizens, often born in the Netherlands, with (grand)parents who come from another country, have a non-Dutch surname and sometimes have colored skin. The hallmark of fundamental rights is that they are fixed and should be anchored in the culture of the country. A party that still has to take a course on the rule of law is miles away from the Dutch and European values of freedom, equality and fraternity. Voters for this party will now have to deal seriously and personally with the question of whether they themselves want 'fewer, fewer, fewer Moroccans' and want to ban the Koran and mosques. After all, this is the core of this party, despite all the pious words about social security or even a stricter migration policy.