Most Dutch people consider affordability and quality in healthcare to be the most important issue of 2021
What, according to the Dutch, is the issue that should receive the most attention from politics and society in 2021 - besides corona? The quality and affordability of care is seen as the most important issue by the largest group of Dutch people. This is evident from the Issues to Watch research by Issuemakers in collaboration with Kantar. The healthcare issue is closely followed by 'tolerance in society'. After that, there is a shared third place for 'education' and 'nuisance/increasing violence'.
The complete top 10:
- Healthcare (affordability and quality)
- Tolerance in society
- Education
- Nuisance/increasing violence
- Health
- Climate change
- The quality of life in the Netherlands
- Problems among young people
- Housing
- Security of Dutch Society
Similarities and differences with 2020
It's interesting to see that healthcare has always been at the top in recent years. So there remains to be done a large group The Netherlandstheres a continuous need to put healthcare on the map. In addition, increasing violence has not changed much compared to last year.
Although there are some similarities with 2020, there are actually more differences to be found. For example, 'healthy air/particulate matter/nitrogen', 'immigration', 'fireworks' and 'extremism and radicalization' have disappeared from the top 15. 'The quality of life in the Netherlands', 'problems among young people', 'housing', 'safety of the Dutch society' and 'loneliness', on the other hand, are issues that have increased.ov 2020.
It is striking that many of the issues this year are indirectly related to COVID-19. It is in the run-up to the elections in March so also interesting to see how the political parties take advantage of it try to do by indeed linking these topics to corona. They can do this this way also make their own agenda open for discussionn. The question remains how ethical responsible it is to turn the corona crisis into a campaign.
Differences in age and education level
There are quite a few differences between groups. For example, climate change only appears in the top 5 among 18-34 year olds and 70+ year olds. Among highly educated people, this issue even ended up at number 1. Healthcare ended up at number 4 for them.
Education is also considered more important by various groups. For example, this issue is once again higher among the younger group (18-34), namely in 2nd place. It is striking that people with a low level of education do not have this issue in the top 5. Among those with secondary education, education ranks 4th ended. More highly educated people have indicated that they consider education important, which is the number 2 issue ended.
Not significant?
Which of the 40 issues mentioned are there then less preferred by the Dutch population? Mobility, addiction, aviation, organ donation and international problems outside Europe are issues that few Dutch people voted on. These issues – despite the fact that some are regularly discussed – have a lower urgency among the wider public.
About the research
Issues to Watch 2021 is based on a studysurvey among 1203 respondents who are representative of the Dutch population aged 18 years and older. Respondents were allowed to choose from a list of 40 issues that scored high in 2020. The results have been reweighted according to the ideal characteristics of the Dutch population. The research was conducted at the end of January 2021 in collaboration with Kantar.