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In the run-up to the (early) House of Representatives elections of November 2023, various issue owners will speak out who are committed to getting important issues on the political agenda. The reason for this series is the growing recognition of the importance of social issues and the active role that various organizations play in influencing policymakers and politicians.

The first interview features Carla van Gils, chairman of the Health Funds for Smoke-free and director of KWF Cancer Control. Health funds for Smoke Free are concerned with the issue of health and prevention. How does this organization ensure attention is paid to their issue during the upcoming elections?

“Society demands smoke-free and we see that many parties now pay attention to the Smoke-Free Generation in their election manifestos.”

Which issues are relevant to your organization in the run-up to the elections?

In the Health Funds for Smoke Free, the Heart Foundation, Long Fund and KWF are working towards a society in which children are protected against (secondary) smoking and the seduction tactics of the tobacco industry. Smoking is the largest preventable cause of illness and death in the Netherlands and extremely addictive: 80% of people who smoke actually want to quit. More than half of the people who do not (can't) stop die prematurely from diabetes implications. Every year, approximately 20,000 Dutch people die from (secondary) smoking. We want to prevent this by accelerating the movement towards a Smoke-Free Generation. Together with other health funds, we are also working towards a Healthy Generation; a healthy basis, healthy lifestyle and a healthy environment for Dutch youth that includes healthy nutrition, sufficient exercise and remaining free from addictions to tobacco, alcohol, drugs and gaming.


Do you think that your social issue will be on the political agenda this election period? And are you actively working on this as an organization?

Almost all political parties and numerous social organizations in the healthcare field agree that our healthcare system is squeaking and creaking, and that something must be done to prevent disease. Achieving a Healthy and Smoke-Free Generation makes an important contribution to this. In recent years, important measures have been implemented and presented on the road to a Smoke-Free Generation. However, not all announced measures have yet been implemented and new measures are needed to reduce the number of people addicted to smoking. To ensure that the next government is also committed to this, we have provided input to various political parties.


Has the issue your organization is dealing with received more attention during this election period? And in what way?

The movement towards a Smoke-Free Generation has grown in recent years. There is high support for measures and there are several important steps on the agenda in the coming period: flavored e-cigarettes will no longer be sold from 1 January, there will be a significant increase in excise duties from 1 April and supermarkets will no longer be allowed to sell tobacco from 1 July. . Society demands smoke-free and we see that many parties now pay attention to the Smoke-Free Generation in their election manifestos and/or propose specific measures to prevent people from dying or dying from the consequences of smoking. The king even referred to the Smoke-Free Generation in the Speech from the Throne. Welcome attention that shows that we We now have to press ahead on our way to a Smoke-Free Generation.


What should voters pay attention to if they find your issue and social theme important?

Many parties pay attention to the Smoke-Free Generation and/or specific measures in their election manifestos. Our priorities are here to find. You can go further Health Funds for Smoke Free and the Smoke Free Generation Follow for specific updates on reducing smoking. To stay informed about the activities we carry out together with other health funds to draw attention to the importance of the Healthy Generation, you can Collaborating Health Funds and the Healthy Generation to follow.

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