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The importance of good issue monitoring

Overweldigd door de stroom aan nieuws? Lees hier hoe goede monitoring je helpt focus te houden In deze blog wijst Issuemakers organisaties graag op de grote toegevoegde waarde van goede issuemonitoring. Als je monitoring op de juiste manier inricht, dus…

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July 29, 2021: Earth Overshoot Day

Today is Earth Overshoot Day. This means that the world's population has already exhausted the natural resources that the earth can produce per year. From today onwards, we will be living on the planet's reserves. Every year that…

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World Young Talent Day

Today is World Young Talent Day, and we would like to take this opportunity to shine the spotlight on young people and all their capabilities. Every now and then a single teenager or twenty-something makes the news with an exceptional invention or…

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