Politics is a profession, treat it as such
The Dutch political system is a merry-go-round that is turning faster and faster. Political parties get on and fly off at high speed. Today's 'darling' is tomorrow's 'loser'. The voter has the choice,…
The Dutch political system is a merry-go-round that is turning faster and faster. Political parties get on and fly off at high speed. Today's 'darling' is tomorrow's 'loser'. The voter has the choice,…
De wereld om ons heen verandert in rap tempo. Dit zorgt voor veel onrust en onzekerheid, niets is meer hetzelfde. Bedrijven, maatschappelijke organisaties en overheden worstelen met de spanning tussen wetgeving, het belang van innovatie en de druk vanuit samenleving…
US elections, what does that mean for us in Europe? Marije Laffeber (Rud Pedersen) delves into the consequences of Trump's re-election and what that means for the EU. With a new course in which the US focuses more on domestic…
Tuesday, November 5th is the day: the American elections. The Dutch media almost seem to pay more attention to it than to our own tumultuous election battle of the past year. And that is not so strange, because the American elections…
What would a shop for regulated ecstasy look like? On the initiative of Drugs Museum Poppi, a concept shop for ecstasy opened last week, in which various sales scenarios are simulated. The public experiment invites visitors to discuss whether or not to regulate…