Awareness campaign 'Prostate Week'
"Can you help us with an awareness campaign about the importance of regularly checking your PSA level in men aged 50 and older?" was Mylan's question. Mylan would launch the first PSA self-test later that year; a test that can detect a possible increase in the PSA level in the blood, which may indicate prostate cancer (but can also have other causes). Follow-up examination by the GP is therefore always recommended.
We were allowed to work for Mylan and in a relatively short period of time we created Prostate Week, a week in which we drew a lot of media attention to the importance of early testing. Stakeholder management was of great importance, as opinions on PSA testing are divided. We had a study conducted on the knowledge level of the average Dutch man regarding their prostate. During Prostate Week, BZN celebrity Jan Keizer made a personal appeal to all 50+ men in the Netherlands to be tested regularly, because fortunately this way he found out in time that he had prostate cancer and was able to deal with it. could be treated successfully. This call was picked up by Shownieuws, Linda and Libelle, among others.
In addition, an informative website has been launched during Prostate Week, www.praatoverprostaat.nl, where men (and women) can find all the pros and cons of PSA testing. Ultimately, it is up to everyone to decide whether or not to have such a test done and it is especially important that all men know that a PSA test is possible and that they have the correct information.
Jan Keizer's call is: here to see again.