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Publicity surrounding the launch of Invest-NL

On January 16, the launch of Invest-NL took place at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam in the presence of ministers Wopke Hoekstra (Finance) and Eric Wiebes (Economic Affairs and Climate). As a private company, under the leadership of Wouter Bos, Invest-NL will finance companies that make the Netherlands more sustainable and innovative. With a share capital of 1.7 billion euros, Invest-NL's focus from the start is on the energy transition and on innovative fast-growing companies (scale-ups).

The Issuemakers supported Invest-NL with the press approach (approach, press release), press guidance, going live of the website and webcare on social media.

“Wouter Bos was able to launch his new energy transition fund Invest-NL on Thursday with a lot of free publicity.” writes de Volkskrant the day after the launch.

The day started with an interview in De Financial Telegraaf and on NOS Radio 1 news. This was followed by an interview in NRC and articles from Volkskrant,, NOS, Het Financial Dagblad and an interview on BNR Nieuwsradio. Many media were present at the meeting. A great start!

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