Track running has more consequences than you think!
Every day, 'track runners' cause many problems on and around the track. People walking their dogs near the tracks, cyclists who want to cut off a section or children playing dangerously close to the tracks: on average 9 times a day they cause (frightened) drivers to have to slam on the brakes. This creates a kind of train traffic jam, with many delays and missed appointments for tens of thousands of travelers. And the problem is growing: in 2019, 3% more track runners than the year before caused more than a third of all disruptions on the track.
Awareness campaign
Enough reason for that ProRail to come up with a public campaign aimed at awareness and ultimately behavioral change. ProRail asked Issuemakers and an advertising agency Ogilvy to come up with an appealing campaign concept. Data was analyzed, behavioral scientists were interviewed and experienced experts (engine drivers, incident responders, train traffic controllers) were asked about their personal experiences. Based on all insights, we decided to emphasize the (major, but relatively unknown) social consequences of rail running. We wanted to provide insight into how small causes can lead to major consequences.
Because although track walking is very dangerous, the 'personal safety' approach has often been the starting point in recent years. While the consequences for society (the many delays, the many missed appointments, the costs of 140-175 million euros per year) are remarkable, but still relatively unknown. Ogilvy focused on the creation and production of the campaign videos (see the result here, here and here), while Issuemakers looked at a stakeholder approach and publicity plan. Everything was ready to kick off the campaign, but then corona happened.
PR approach
During the 'intelligent lockdown' there were hardly any trains running and as a society we had other things on our minds. The campaign was on the shelf for just six months, until September 2020. Issuemakers was responsible for the PR approach within the campaign team, so that the message 'Railway running has more consequences than you think' would also reach the Dutch public through free publicity . Together with ProRail spokespersons, we worked on a press release, an extensive Q&A, message-supporting data and pitches to the press. We also prepared various experts to tell their personal stories in the media.
Early in the morning of September 1, 2020, it 'broke' Algemeen Dagblad the news with a large section in the paper and online newspaper (and all regional editions). Immediately followed by interviews on the NOS Journaal (from. 03:55), the Radio 1 Journaal and BNR News Radio. After sending the press release and various interviews followed, among other things NU.nl, ANP, Metro news, NRC, Fidelity, Linda and RTLnieuws.nl with extensive online items. Railroad runners were also 'the talk of the town' on the radio. Next Radio 1 spent, among others, on Radio 2, Radio 538, Q Music, FunX, Veronica, 3FM, Sky Radio and all (!) public regional radio stations pay attention to the campaign. And when the news also makes it to the NOS News at 8:00 PM (with more than 2.8 million viewers), you know you have struck a chord!

Mission accomplished?
Mission accomplished? We will only know this when the figures show that Dutch people have become more aware of the major consequences of rail walking and when the number of rail runners decreases. In any case, the interim assignment to devise, create and implement an appealing campaign was a success (with much praise for Ogilvy and the campaign team at ProRail).
Should the Netherlands also hear your message through a social awareness campaign? Please contact us without obligation!