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Publicizing your business activities or promoting a new product: just a few reasons to send out a press release. But what do you pay attention to when writing such a message? What should be included in the article for the media and what things should you absolutely not forget? Here you can read more about the design and structure of a press release. You will also find a press release example here.

Why write a press release?

Do you want to attract the attention of media and their readership or viewing audience and do you want to do this without too much advertising? Then a press release is a good idea. Make sure there is news to report that will make newspapers, for example, want to pick it up. This is a lot cheaper than placing a real advertisement.

How do you write a press release?

But then there must also be something to report, it must be a news item. Is it clearly just advertising text that says how good your product or company is? Then your message will immediately disappear into the journalist's trash bin.

A press release at a PR campaign has even more advantages than a regular advertisement, in addition to the money you save. A nice article is shared more quickly via social media, but that does not happen so quickly with an advertisement. Realize that you really have to focus on the news.

1. Grab attention

Attracting attention is one of the most important parts of a press release. You can write until you weigh an ounce, but if you don't attract attention, all your effort is in vain. This starts with the editorial office where you send your press release. They have to find your article worth even reading.

Do you send an email with your article attached or do you want to encourage the editors to write an article about your company, event or product? In both cases it starts with attracting attention.

Sample press release to attract attention

Jan Jansen, author of 'Winterkost', will be signing at the De Wit bookstore on Saturday morning (date).

2. Keep it exciting with the introduction

You are not the only one to submit a press release. If you manage to get your message read, you have to keep their attention.

A press release must be clear and direct. Editors simply don't have time to wade through lengthy texts to assess whether or not something is interesting for them. A guideline for the introduction is to stay under 60 words, using the well-known 5 W's and H. This stands for Who, What, Where, Why, When and How. By answering these questions in the introduction, you know that you are not missing anything important.

Sample press release introduction

Basketball club Novo (who) will hold an open day (what) on Saturday, March 23 (what) in the De Vlijt sports hall (where) in honor of their twenty-year anniversary (why), where professional basketball player Jannick will provide a clinic. Participation is free, but please register (how).

3. After the introduction: use the inverted pyramid

Of course it is much more interesting if you expand the press release with more background information. Maybe you have more to say about the product or how long the company has been in business. If there is a new development within your company, you may want to let us know what caused this.

You can find the underlying information and discuss matters in more detail in the rest of the message. Keep in mind that journalists 'scan' the message from top to bottom. More important information is therefore given a place at the top, and more details are better shared further down. Also use good subheadings and add a quote from those involved, for example.

Sample press release after introduction

Jannick is himself a former Novo player and has been voted the best basketball player in the country for two years in a row. He has been playing at ZZ Leiden for quite some time and has achieved many victories with this club. He likes to share his skills with our fellow villagers now that Novo has been around for 20 years. You can participate as soon as you can hold a ball. Registration is necessary to spread the expected crowds throughout the day.

4. Add images

Whether or not editors will use a sent image cannot be accurately estimated in advance, but sending in images at least gives them the opportunity to use it. Whether they do this depends on the space they have and whether it suits their style and publication format.

If they have to ask you for images first, you create an additional barrier. And let's be honest: a photo with your press release will make it more noticeable. People often scan the images first.

5. Turn an article into a story

Dragging out dry material offers the opportunity to share a lot of information, but to increase the chance of publication it is more useful to grab the reader with a story. This means that you do not just list facts, but also tell the story behind it (why something came into existence, what was the wish, what was the reason?) or that you quote someone's statements.

6. More information

Make it easy for the editors by clearly providing your contact details. And when you are available. Try to remove all obstacles and make it as easy as possible for the journalist. Because every additional action is a potential reason to drop out and no longer post your message. Also make it clear in the message which company it is actually about!

7. Should or should I not contact the editor in advance by telephone?

Sometimes it is advisable to call first to respond and indicate what is coming. In some cases this helps the editors in planning and such a contact moment often also provides helpful insights. For example, because the editors indicate that they would like to receive certain figures for something. Or it helps with the timing of your message, because you hear that another news item is already receiving attention on a certain day.

Please note: too much contact can also seem annoying. Journalists are not interested in all kinds of companies and organizations that call them in advance at any time, then email them press releases, then call them to check whether they have been received, etc. Then it will be counterproductive and the journalist will develop an aversion to your organization or company.

Press release example

Here you will find a press release example that incorporates the guidelines we mentioned above.

Text agency Willy writes for environmental initiatives for 3 months for free

Text agency Willy is offering its work free of charge for the next three months to foundations, associations or companies that want to do something good for the environment. Because the problem surrounding the environment is close to her heart, Willy decided to do something through her company to make a difference. By offering her work for free, she helps to draw attention to the good actions of others.

Willie: “I do not burden the environment with my own work, but I also wanted to do my part. That's why I decided to set up this campaign,” she says enthusiastically.

There are many initiatives that want to achieve something in the field of environmental issues and sustainable living. It is a shame if these well-intentioned initiatives do not come to fruition. Text agency Willy, based in Utrecht, helps to raise awareness of these actions. In this way she increases the impact of the actions. Consider, for example, writing press releases, both offline and online. Or starting other PR campaigns together.

Register until the end of March

Companies and other interested parties can take advantage of this offer from January to the end of March 20xx. Willy maintains the site especially for this campaign, where all promotions are listed. More information can also be found here.

Note for editors, not for publication

More information about this promotion can be requested from Willy, telephone 06-12345678 or e-mail

Need help with a press release?

Do you need help writing press releases or are you looking for other support in the field of Public Relations or issue management? Then take Contact contact us, we are happy to help you!


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