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Issue & crisis management

With a proactive issue approach, you as an organization can improve your reputation. You can also better visualize your social impact and make this impact more targeted and effective. Great for society and good for the social profile of the organization. We advise and support you through, among other things, stakeholder analysis and management, PR and media strategy and approach, media training or, for example, public affairs advice and implementation.

Even if an issue comes your way unexpectedly and undesirably, we are happy to help you, including with crisis advice and communication. Most crises can be prevented through a thorough issue approach.


Public relations, media strategy and execution


Public Affairs: advice and implementation


Media training


Stakeholder management


Issue advice

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Environmental communication


Crisis advice and implementation

Cases Issue management

Municipality of Rijswijk | Communicating about Wellbeing

Municipality of Rijswijk | Communicating about Well-being The city of Rijswijk is a growing municipality with a village character and metropolitan challenges in a region that is always on the move. Rijswijk wants…

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