CASE FROM THE OLD BOX: OV-fiets in Vancouver!
Last week, several media reported on the immense popularity of the OV-fiets. Due to the increase in the use of the bright yellow two-wheeler, 6,000 extra public transport bicycles are being placed at various stations in the Netherlands, reports the NS. This is not only good news for anyone who wants to travel from A to B as sustainably as possible. It also brings back fond memories for De Issuemakers. In 2010, De Issuemakers devised a campaign for the NS - at the time one of the main sponsors of NOC NSF - to activate this main sponsorship. This manifested itself in a temporary public transport bicycle shed in Vancouver, equipped with 400 public transport bicycles. It couldn't get more Dutch, with all those Olympic athletes and Orange supporters exploring the Olympic village by bike and commuting between Holland Heineken House and the Olympic Oval. A cheerful photo of former Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende and NOCNSF chairman Erica Terpstra on a public transport bicycle in the Olympic village is a beautiful memory of this adventure.