The subject seems to be recurring and appears with increasing regularity in the media: the mental health of young people has been deteriorating in recent times. A recent occasion was an explanation of it RIVM as a follow-up to a CBS study in 2018. That study showed that the number of young people with psychological complaints has increased between seven and eight percent over the past ten years. That is significant and the subject is now starting to show all the characteristics of an issue.
Unfortunately, the fact that the mental health of young people is under a magnifying glass is not new, but the extent of it is. And interesting are the possible causes for its deterioration suggested by the RIVM; Young people experience increasing pressure from social media to conform to the ideal image, possible tensions at home, social issues such as the climate and also high expectations from the people in the immediate environment of young people. And these can be parents, schools and even the government, which is also increasingly taking policy measures that cause stress rather than relaxation. Just think of the loan system, which is now receiving increasing criticism and less political support. A major internal discussion has now broken out at Groen Links.
It is in the DNA of De Issuemakers to be closely involved in social and political issues and to put them on the map. Promoting reading, children's rights and the challenges of healthcare are just a few examples of where we like to invest our time and energy. Every year, our Issue Calendar and the annual Issue Conference help to bring issues to the attention of a broad audience. And on June 13 we will organize another one Platform Issue Managers-meeting at our office in Amstelveen, to share knowledge and experiences. If you would like to join us, please send us an email: .