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Platform Issue Managers

The Issue Managers Platform is the first Dutch platform for everyone who is responsible for managing issues within an organization. The Issue Managers Platform offers these issue managers the opportunity to get to know each other and share experiences and knowledge. The participants include companies such as Rabobank, Jumbo and the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights. 

Despite the fact that more and more organizations are recognizing the importance of issue management realize, it remains a fairly young field. There are gains to be made in professionalizing the profession and refining the approach in daily practice. This is the reason Issuemakers founded the platform. The Issue Managers Platform meets once a quarter and focuses on exchanging knowledge, professionalizing the field and sharing best practices.

The establishment of the Issue Managers Platform shows that issue management is gradually maturing. There is an increasing awareness that organizations are not alone, but can tackle problems together with the outside world. The Issue Managers Platform is a good step in this direction.

Register and more information
For more information please contact Mayke from Keep.
The Issue Managers Platform is an initiative of communications consultancy Issuemakers, Ferdinand Helmann of Omnicom PR Group and Public Affairs Professor Arco Timmermans.

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