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In our new interview series “Planning and Forming” we speak to experts from various sectors about the issues in their sector, the ways in which they are trying to put them on the agenda in the upcoming coalition agreement and their view of the new House of Representatives. This edition we speak to Maria van der Heijden.

Maria van der Heijden is the director of CSR Netherlands. MVO Nederland is the movement of entrepreneurs in the new economy, that means kclimate neutral, circular, inclusive and with fair chains to undertake

Was MVO Nederland satisfied with the election results? 

We analyzed the various election programs with MVO Nederland. From our analysis of the election manifestos shows that we will not achieve the new economy with the parties that are likely to take the lead in its formation. With this result, there is more work to be done for sustainable entrepreneurs.


What are the most important issues for your sector?

The new economy is one of the most important issues on which we have profiled ourselves. Sustainable entrepreneurship contains 7 themes: general sustainable ambition, new wealth, real prices, transparent knowledge, inclusive entrepreneurship, green energy, biodiversity and circular economy. After an analysis of the party programs

we have made an overview per party of how they score on the 7 designated themes (see overview below). As can be seen, there are a number of parties that score well on the issue, but there are certainly also a number of parties that do not score so well on the issue.

“We are facing major challenges that a strong government must make decisions about. We believe that the government must show courage and formulate a clear vision and policy for the long term.”

In addition to this issue, MVO Nederland has 3 spearheads that we are committed to:
1. A government with courage – we face major challenges that a strong government must make decisions about. We believe that the government must show courage and formulate a clear vision and policy for the long term.

2. Advocate for real prizes – we believe that the tax system needs to be changed. For example, there should be higher taxes on environmental pollution and lower taxes on labor.

3. A tailwind for sustainable entrepreneurs – It is important that entrepreneurs receive positive incentives from the government to engage in the new economy, for example when they do business in a circular manner. Of course, there are already a number of frontrunners who are working on this, but we also believe that SMEs should be better supported in this so that it becomes a level playing field for everyone.

In what ways have you tried to incorporate these issues into politics?

We have analyzed the various election manifestos and made visible how these parties focus on the new economy. Companies could easily find out how the political parties in a new government might make policy regarding the new economy. By making this topic as simple and visual as possible, we have conveyed a very large story in the right way. During the campaign period we presented a quotation to the political parties. In this quotation on behalf of sustainable entrepreneurs, we offered to commit ourselves to the new economy. We ask the next Cabinet to provide the right preconditions and appropriate investments to make the new economy possible. Parties from left to right have received this quotation, we hope to convert the quotation into a contract after the formation.

In addition to party analysis, we work a lot with social organizations and companies, so we have created a large network for support for the new economy. At our core, we are an organization of collaboration, and this is certainly a way for us to approach issues politically.

What should remain the same for the next 4 years?

The growing attention to the climate is something that we believe should remain the same and continue in the same way. In addition, the energy transition is also a topic that is receiving increasing attention. These are positive developments that should continue for the next 4 years. Under Rutte 3, a number of ambitious promises have also been made to make international trade chains more sustainable. It would be great if these promises were converted into a strong regulatory policy under the new Cabinet.

What needs to change in the next 4 years?

Applying sustainable housing construction and thus nature and biodiversity in an inclusive manner is something that can certainly be used even more in the next 4 years. Of course, more homes are needed, but let's do this immediately in a way that also contributes to more nature, the circular economy through the use of sustainable materials and that is climate neutral. In addition, more attention should be paid to correct sustainable prices. Now a banana that has to come from very far away is a lot cheaper than apples from the Betuwe, while the impact of the banana on the environment is much greater: we have to change that.

Do you think your sector is well represented in the House of Representatives?

Nowadays there are more and more MPs who are concerned with the new economy. They have a good sense of our agenda. We also see that more attention is being paid to it, especially from younger MPs, which is not surprising since the sustainability theme is also very important among young people and young adults.

How do you see the future regarding politics in the Netherlands?

I think that there will be at least 4 but perhaps 5 parties in the cabinet, which does not have to be a problem for us. I do hope that we will get an innovative policy and that it will not remain exactly the same as the past 4 years. The next government is crucial for the new economy, as we aim for a tipping point in 2025. This government must of course support this. So it's going to be exciting!

Who would be the best minister for the new economy, looking at the new House of Representatives?

We think there are several correct answers to this question, so we all see Tom van der Lee (GroenLinks), Joris Thijssen, Lilianne Ploumen (PvdA), Rob Jetten, Raoul Boucke (D66) or Mariëlle Paul (VVD) as suitable ministers. for the new economy.

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