The elections are getting closer, only 3 weeks to go. Every week, Sybrig van Keep briefly describes new developments: think of insights, highlighted events or interesting passages from party programs. In this way we would like to keep you informed of the latest news and interesting developments!

Similarities between party programs
Although there are plenty of contradictions in the election manifestos of the political parties, there also appear to be quite a few similarities. For example, every party, except the PVV, FvD and SGP, wants to make childcare free or cheaper. Eleven of the thirteen parties also want to simplify the benefits system. In addition, every party, except the VVD, wants to abolish the loan system. And every party, except the FvD, wants to increase the minimum wage. Every party, except the PVV, also wants to see more trees in the Netherlands. There are still quite a few similarities
Now that the elections are almost here, it is becoming more important to think about possible coalitions. Although definitive election results cannot yet be given, polls can provide a good picture. GroenLinks has already indicated that it wants to form a bloc with the PvdA and D66, but there appeared to be less enthusiasm for this from both parties. It is questionable at all whether this coalition has a chance of success, since D66 has 14 seats, PvdA has 13 and GroenLinks has 12, giving a total of 39 seats. Other possible coalitions will be discussed in subsequent editions of the update
Science and politics
Last Wednesday, the KNAW election debate took place with the CDA, SGP, GroenLinks, VVD, ChristenUnie and D66 about the future of science and research. It is important for the government to keep science out of political choices, since science must be independent. However, opinions differed about the collaboration between the University of Groningen and the Confucius Institute. D66 wants to invest 1 billion per year in scientific education, just like the Christian Union. According to GroenLinks, the workload within universities must be solved by strengthening the first flow of money.
Rutte's letter
Last weekend, outgoing Prime Minister Rutte published a letter in which he called on the parties to seek connections and not to magnify the differences. He also mentioned that we could only achieve anything by working together with all right-thinking parties. He previously excluded PVV and FVD from a possible coalition. He also called on the other parties not to make election promises in these corona times. However, he himself indicated that the new government may want to accommodate entrepreneurs with tax debts.
Issues that deserve more attention
As indicated last week, there are a number of issues that deserve more attention. Mental well-being in young people is one of them. It has been talked about a lot lately in the media and in politics, but what is actually in the party programmes? Many parties call the long waiting lists at mental health institutions a problem. While some parties leave it at that, other parties delve deeper into the various possibilities and options. D66, GroenLinks, PvdA and Forum for Democracy believe that something needs to change at national level. SP, CDA and SGP also argue for better cooperation between the various institutions. The Party for the Animals believes that waiting lists should be reduced by investing in sufficient retraining and training opportunities, reducing administrative burdens and reducing costs by encouraging professionals to become employed. It is striking that none of the parties indicates that mental well-being among young people should be addressed through education, although this would be obvious. For a more extensive overview of interesting passages about mental well-being in young people or party program information about another issue, you can always send us an email.
Election programs
The last major parties whose election manifesto had not yet been discussed are 50PLUS and the Party for the Animals. These will therefore be discussed below. Splinter, the splinter party of the Party for the Animals, will also be discussed.
50PLUS is committed to helping the elderly in society. The party wants to reverse the 20 percent loss of purchasing power over the past 10 years by, among other things, arranging a full holiday benefit for state pensioners of 8 percent, a thirteenth month for state pensioners and the resumption of indexation of pensions. In addition, the party wants a full state pension at the age of 65 and a structural increase in the minimum wage. 50PLUS also wants to ensure that there are sufficient available lifelong homes and that healthcare is improved. The party wants to do this, among other things, by organizing care closer so that minor specialist interventions can take place at home, just like nursing home care. In addition, 50PLUS wants more attention to be paid to the mental well-being of the elderly to prevent loneliness.
Animal party
Animal party has committed to a radical change of course towards nature with the election program 'Plan B'. The party advocates a 75 percent reduction in the livestock population, which should create space for more nature and housing. According to the Party for the Animals, the corona crisis is a good moment to change our economic system and look to the future. For the party, this means that the current economic model must be abandoned and work towards a sustainable society.
splinter as a new party, wants to break with identity politics and instead connect. The party wants that economic growth, which has been declared sacred in the Netherlands, is not above everything else. They also want to reduce agriculture to a small scale, reduce the state pension age to 65 and enshrine animal rights in the Constitution. In addition, Splinter wants to stop special religious education, introduce a binding corrective referendum and prevent the departure of members of the House of Representatives by giving the empty seat to the candidate with the most preferential votes.
Polls: what are the latest updates?

In the orange bar you can see the latest polls (February 16, 2021). The blue bar shows the current distribution of seats in the House of Representatives. No new polls from Eenvandaag this week, but from March onwards Eenvandaag will share new polls every week, which we will then include in this update!
Source: Eenvandaag via Frontbencher.nl

Stephan van Baarle
(#3 Candidate List DENK)
Born: 1981, Rotterdam
residence: Rotterdam
Course: Sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Urban sociology, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Functions: Junior university lecturer, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2014-2015)
Policy Officer of the House of Representatives (2015 – present)
Group leader and municipal councilor DENK Rotterdam (2018 – present)

Sigrid Kaag
(#1 Candidate List D66)
Born: November 2, 1961, Rijswijk
residence: The Hague
Course: Arabic language and philology, Utrecht University, Middle Eastern studies, International relations, University of Exeter
Functions: Head of Joint UN/OPCW Mission to Destroy Chemical Weapons in Syria (2013-2014)
UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL) (2015-2017)
Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation (2017 – present)

Kati Piri
(#5 PvdA Candidate List)
Born: April 8, 1979, Celldömölk (Hungary)
residence: The Hague
Course: International Relations, University of Groningen
Functions: Coordinator European Think Tank, WBS (Wiardi Beckman Foundation) (2011)
Program Manager South Caucasus and Moldova, NIMD (Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy) (2011-2014)
Member of the European Parliament PvdA (2014 – present)

Roelof Bisschop
(#3 Candidate List SGP)
Born: November 30, 1956, Staphorst
residence: Veenendaal
Course: MO training in history teacher, PhD in history
Functions: Member of the Provincial Council of Utrecht (2003-2011)
Director of the reformed school community Wartburg College Rotterdam, Revius location (2008-2012)
Member of the House of Representatives (2012 – present)

Inge van Dijk
(#4 CDA Candidate List)
Born: May 6, 1975, Helmond
residence: Gemert-Bakel
Course: Business Administration, HAS University of Applied Sciences
Functions: Product Manager Rabobank realization financing and insurance (2016-2018)
CDA faction leader Gemert-Bakel (2002 – present)
Chairman CDA Brabant (2015 – present)
Councilor for the municipality of Gemert-Bakel (2018 – present)
- February 23, 6:30 PM FemCity Health is political debate in Pakhuis de Zwijger
- February 24, 7:00 PM NGO foreign debate, livestream from Nieuwspoort
- February 25, 7:30 PM: Candidate MPs go during the Great Drug Debate in conversation about the future of Dutch medicines policy.
- February 25, 8:00 PM: The (un)reliable government: conversation about, among other things, the allowances with Pieter Omtzigt.
- February 28, 9:15 PM: RTL Election debate with CDA, D66, VVD, PVV, GroenLinks and SP, RTL4
- March 1, 7:30 PM Future labor market: debate with MPs about future labor market policy
- March 1, 8:30 PM: NL Choose: national Spatial election debate
- March 2, 6:30 PM: Emancipation is political: from FemCity and NL Kiest
- March 3, 8:00 PM: Feminist (m/f/x) is looking for a party. What are the relevant considerations when deciding who to vote for?
- March 3, 6:00 PM: NL Kiest and EduCaution: what can the elections mean for it education
- 4th of March: The Green election debate: conversation between young people and politicians about the election manifestos
- March 7th: Womens March Netherlands
- 8 March: Women's Day debate: debate on the elections on International Women's Day (European debate)
- March 8, 7:30 PM: The large healthcare debate from KNMG about the future of healthcare
- 8 March: party leader debate on gender equality – Radio Nieuws BV
- March 9, 7:30 PM National Religion Debate: 'religion, climate and climate religion'
- March 9: 6:30 PM FemCity and NL chooses: Election debate equal in the Netherlands
- March 9, 8:30 PM: NL Chooses: the young one climate-conscious voter on move
- March 14, 7:00 PM: NOS Youth news election debate
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