Judith Kuyt
Issue making // Issue intelligence
I have been working at Issuemakers since January 2021, where I started as a trainee and have since grown into an advisor. With a background in Communication Science and a Masters in Corporate & Political Communication, I have specialized in the relationships between business, media, public and politics. I gained my international experience in Public Relations and Marketing during a minor at the University of Melbourne.
Sustainability and fair and equal treatment for everyone are issues that are close to my heart. This is not only reflected in my work at Issuemakers, where I work(ed) on issues such as digital inclusion, undocumented youth, recycling, and open science, but also in my volunteer work at Fairspace. Here I provide training in bystander intervention in transgressive behavior to associations, companies, and student groups. In my spare time, I enjoy socializing with friends and family, taking photos, and discovering new places. At Issuemakers, I have contributed to various projects for clients that range from monitoring and interpreting developments in the media to developing effective public affairs and communication campaigns.
Professional specialisms
PR, Public Affairs, Political agenda setting, Media analysis, Political monitoring, Social positioning
Sectors and issues
Technology & Media, Retail, NGOs, Government & Public Sector, Cross-Border Behavior, Diversity & Inclusion, LGBTI+, Digitalization
Bachelor of Communication Science, University of Amsterdam
Master Corporate & Political Communication, University of Amsterdam
Minor Public Relations & Marketing, University of Melbourne
Secondary functions
Trainer at Fairspace
Member of RPO Youth Panel Media