Laetitia Gruwel has made her mark in crisis communication and spokesperson. This involves advising at C-level, but also standing with both feet in the clay as a spokesperson. Such as for GGD GHOR during the data theft and the start of the vaccination campaign during the corona crisis. Formulating the message and the right choice of words is a favorite game for Laetitia. Her journalistic background comes in handy here.
Retail is her favorite branch: from the umbrella organization Detailhandel Nederland to V&D, HEMA and ALDI. I have been working as an independent communications consultant since 2015. In addition to advising and speaking, training is also part of her job. “Giving media training is the most fun there is.” With more than 25 years of experience at international agencies and on the client side, Laetitia's backpack is packed with knowledge and expertise. “I would like to share this with the Issuemakers. With a good approach you can put issues on the map. I am happy to help with that with my backpack.”